There are many items on the market right now to make this process easy. Wall ledges with grooves to hold frames in place can be found at many stores. Hanging two or three ledges on an expanse of wall and placing large framed photos on them is an eye catching way to decorate with your personal photos.
Sets of table top frames can be purchased. These sets contain two or more (sometimes even as many as 15) coordinating photo frames in various sizes to make decorating simple. Placing coordinating frames around a room - some on a side table, some on a mantle, some on top of a bookcase - can help give your room a pulled together feeling.
To complement your holiday decorating, buy some seasonal frames and place personal photos of past holidays in them. Place them around the house at holiday time. You can change out the photos from year to year, making this a very inexpensive way to change your decorating each year.
If you'd like to put a little more work and creativity into decorating your home with personal photos, try one of these ideas.
Create a Wall Collage of Black and White Photos
With today's digital technology, making copies, cropping, and color enhancing your photos is easy and affordable. Try using this technology to create an inexpensive collage of black and white photos on a large open area of wall space in your home.
If you have old black and white photos of relatives you can mix them with recent photos. Vary the size of the prints and purchase inexpensive mats and frames for them. For added pop and contrast, vary the width of some of the mats, also.
You will need to create a template for your collage. Measure the dimensions of the wall space you will be using. Tape together pieces of newspaper to the exact dimensions and lay them on the floor. Then arrange your framed photos on the newspaper until you find a configuration you like.
Once you've found an arrangement that pleases you, trace each photo frame onto the newspaper. Then mark the spot where the hook is to be placed. Tape the newspaper onto the wall, nail in your hooks, and then remove the paper. You're ready to hang your black and white photos.
Use an Old Wood Window as a Frame
Purchase, grab from your basement, or trash pick an old wooden window with grills. This makes a one of a kind frame for your personal photos. Clean up the old frame and paint it. Or, leave the old, distressed paint on the window for a vintage decorating style.
You will need as many personal photos as you have panes of glass. Make sure the photos are smaller than each pane, leaving some open glass to show the wall behind. This creates a mat for your photos. Affix the photos onto the glass and hang the old window securely on the wall.
With a little time and thought, you can bring photos that have been stored away in dark closets into the light. This simple, creative, inexpensive way of home decorating with your personal photos will make a big impact on those who enter your home.
Author: Fransis Rodrigues
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