Orange is Hot for 2008 and 2009
The color Orange continues its stellar run as a fixture for home d�cor color in 2008; and the leader in Color forecasting, Pantone, projects that the Orange color trend will continue on to 2009. It's no surprise why, Orange is a warm, inviting, dynamic, invigorating and energetic color.
Fall Color Infusion - Decorating with Flowers
Want to add a some natural autumn color palettes to your home's exterior this Fall? Then get ready to have some fun gardening: Replace summer annuals with fall bloomers such as royal purple, lavender and gold pansies to update the look of your garden. You'll stop traffic with curb appeal that will last for months.One of America's classic flowers, the chrysanthemum, happens to be a fall bloomer. Take advantage of its magentas, dark reds and shocking pinks and plant them in window boxes or outdoor planters.
Home Decorating based on your Color Personality
Confused about selecting color for your home? Why not try choosing decorating colors based on your unique personality? I decided to have a bit of fun and searched out several websites that discuss color personality types.
The Pratt and Lambert color quiz was the most comprehensive color personality test of all those I reviewed. Taking into account not only color likes but other factors that make you uniquely you. This test was the only one that returned a color scheme that was very similar to my personal decorating style. I was impressed. According to the Pratt & Lambert site my color personality:
Colors in this palette are reminiscent of a sunny seaside. These combinations are refreshing and invigorating. They provide sparkle with lightness while also imbuing a sense of soothing calm. Oceanic hues are ideal for making a bathroom, bedroom or study an oasis. These colors provide a balance for those with a hectic life. The person who decorates with these colors is looking for their home to be their escape.
Home and Garden TV has an interesting color wheel that you can spin with your mouse and find the color that sings to your soul. When I spun the color wheel my eyes landed on my favorite color: Pink. Once I selected Pink, I was given five other shades of pink to choose from. I ended up selecting two pinks (Lavender Pink and Hot Pink) I adore. According to the HGTV site these color choices mean:
If you like lavender pink, you're seeking to be more inventive. New possibilities flood your mind. By constantly examining possible practical applications, you create new things, new ideas. Using this purple-pink shade in room design is empowering. You and others will become more determined and self-constructive in a lavender pink office or library. Because it invites warm, exciting conversations, it's perfect for dining or living rooms. Guests will feel welcomed.

If you like hot pink, you are constantly thinking about exciting things to do. Through your body language and appearance, without even being aware, you are sending out enticing messages. Designing with this magenta shade of pink creates adventurous conversations and situations. It makes you and others less skeptical and more enthusiastic. Use this color to turn dull into exciting. Think party room!
Not scared to use strong color, Winters often love reds but avoid soft pinks. Achromatic color schemes employing tonal variations of black, white and grey are commonplace, giving clean lines and sharp contrasts. Assertive purples are considered a safe choice for the main color in a color scheme, a sharp contrast to other seasons who will use purple sparingly as an accent. Blues run the gamut of ice blues through to blue blacks, cool and delineating and reflect onto the green palette giving a range of strong aquas. Neutrals are blacks, whites and greys for dramatic relief against the stronger feature colors. You won't find warm creams here. Simple color schemes are favored - one color as the canvas and then accents of other strong colors for contrast and drama. Like Winter personalities, the Winter palette is self-assured and intense. Subtle colors are left to the other seasons.
Color Psychology
Perhaps many of you are contemplating new decorating and painting projects and perhaps aren't aware of the impact that color has on our mood. Before you pick up that paint brush or roller, read through our color psychology information. It just might help you set the appropriate mood for your indoor space.
First Things First - Choosing a Color Scheme
Red packs a wallop, physiologically speaking, increasing blood pressure, heartbeat and energy in most people. It instills feelings of intimacy and passion. Red also increases the appetite, which explains why it is used so often in restaurants, and why it can be a good choice for a formal dining room.

Orange, like red, tends to warm a room, but in a more friendly and welcoming way. As a result, paints in various shades and tints of orange work well in living rooms and family rooms.

Yellow is also warm and welcoming, but it is more attention- getting than either red or orange. For this reason, it is a good paint color to use in poorly lit foyers or dark hallways.
Blue, which is part of the cool color palette, makes us feel calm and tranquil, so it is ideal for use in bedrooms. But since blue works as an appetite suppressant (perhaps because there are few blue foods) it is not the best option for a dining room ... unless you're on a diet.

Green is another relaxing color that is much more versatile than blue. Light greens are ideal for bedrooms and living rooms; midtones are good for kitchens and dining rooms (many foods are green). Also, because green is calming, it is often used in hospitals, workplaces and schools.

Violet is a tricky color, psychologically speaking. Many adults dislike purples, but are fond of the rose family, which can work in many rooms, including dining rooms, bedrooms and libraries. Young children, on the other hand, respond favorably to violet, so this color can be used successfully in children's bedrooms and play areas.

These general guidelines are a good starting point in your search for a paint color. But remember that color choice is a very personal matter. You're the one who has to live with your new paint color, so choose a hue that suits you, your family and your lifestyle.
And after investing time to select just the right color, make sure it continues to look that way long-term by investing in a top quality paint.
Author : janey
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Colour decoration at home design is shared in the post here. Good post